
徵才公告 國立臺灣大學創新設計學院學院徵聘專任教師2名

By 2024-09-1814 10 月, 2024No Comments

誠徵創新設計學院創新領域學士學位學程相關領域具教學熱忱及優秀研究績效之專任教師(包含教授級、副教授級、助理教授級)總計2名。起聘日期:預計 114年8月1日。




  • 科技藝術跨域融合研究與實務。
  • 跨領域教育與創新教育 AI輔助。
  • 設計思考教育與培育。
  • 創新設計理論方法與實務。
  • 其他相關領域。


  1.  申請信(含未來研究計畫及教學方向)。
  2.  履歷表(含個人著作目錄)。
  3.  7年內已出版之學術著作、有完整章節內容之博士論文全稿或初稿(若博士論文非中文或英文書寫者,須附中文摘要)。
  4.  擬開授專業領域課程之教學大綱(至少2門)。
  5.  現行(前)任職機關權責單位開具之現職或經歷證明文件 1 份(國外經歷證明須正本),本項資料須提供至少符合擬聘等級基本條件。
  6.  博士學位證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本)。
  7.  提供 3~4位推薦人列表(包含推薦人姓名、職級、現職單位、聯絡方式-電子信箱與電話)。


  • 請於2024年10月18日前將申請資料電子檔寄送至承辦人周小姐:
  • E-mail:ntudschoolhr@gmail.com
  • 主旨:應徵創新設計學院-創新領域學士學位學程專任教師-(您的姓名)
  • 檔案說明:檔案請上傳雲端空間,寄送該檔案連結並開啟權限。
  • 若有任何問題歡迎來信 ntudschoolhr@gmail.com




The College of Design and Innovation at National Taiwan University invites applications for two full-time faculty positions at the rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor in the Transdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degree Program, starting August 2025.

Eligibility: Applicants must hold a Ph.D. from an accredited domestic or international institution. Priority will be given to candidates with expertise in innovation education and interdisciplinary design.

  • Research Specializations:
    • Interdisciplinary integration of technology and art (both research and practice)
    • Interdisciplinary education and AI-assisted innovation education
    • Design thinking education and training
    • Theoretical and practical approaches to innovation design
    • Other related fields
  • Application Materials (to be submitted via cloud storage):
    1. Cover letter with a list of publications and a brief description of future teaching and research directions.
    2. Curriculum vitae (CV) with a list of publications.
    3. Please submit your full-length academic publications or works from the past seven years, along with your doctoral dissertation or its draft, including all chapters. If the dissertation is not in Chinese or English, an English abstract is required.
    4. Syllabi for proposed professional courses (at least 2 courses).
    5. Proof of current or previous employment issued by the relevant institution (original documents required for international experience). These documents must meet the minimum qualifications for the rank applied for.
    6. Photocopy of the Ph.D. diploma (or an official letter from the awarding institution confirming the degree will be conferred)
    7. Please provide a list of 3-4 recommenders, including their names, positions, current organizations, email addresses and phone numbers.

Please submit your application materials electronically to Ms. Chou via email (ntudschoolhr@gmail.com) by October 18, 2024. Subject line: Application for Faculty Position in NTUTBD– [Candidate’s Name].
Please upload your materials to a cloud storage service and provide a link with access permissions.




Tel : +886 2 3366 1869
Address : 100047臺北市中正區思源街18號卓越研究大樓409室
Room 409, Building for Research Excellence. No.18, Siyuan St, Zhongzheng Dist, Taipei City 100047, Taiwan